
Our beloved mascot, Hawky, arrived at Colegio El Camino just in time for our annual sports championship, Hawks Day, in February 2020. The name "Hawky" was selected through a community-wide vote, and Hawky's story is as follows:
“My name is Hawky, I have the honor of being your mascot as well as representing you. I come from an island called ‘Imagination’, I flew for many days on hot and cold wind currents. I was able to visit wonderful places in Baja California Sur like the Arch of Los Cabos, some extraordinary beaches, the Malecon de la Paz and many more places.
I decided to stay in Los Cabos because of its people and the wonderful unity they have. I realized that Colegio El Camino has the best students in Cabo based on their integrity, unity and above all a lot of love.
In my opinion I have the best life, the best family and the opportunity to be part of the Colegio El Camino community. It fills me with honor and pride to be here. I hope that together we can be a better school, better people and better students.
I am Hawky and I will always be with the entire community of Colegio El Camino.”
Our School Anthem
Colegio El Camino somos
Fuente eterna del saber
Felices y unidos vamos
Es nuestra meta “El deber”
Triunfante siempre así es,
Con entusiasmo y honradez
Estudio, deporte y honor
Es de San Lucas ¡lo mejor!
Siempre que yo vengo con empeño a estudiar
Siento a mi vida despertar
Las tecnologías y las ciencias conocer
Para que a mi Patria engrandecer
Camino soy, mi orgullo es, superación, ¡lo mejor!
Edmundo Alarcón Nov. 96- Mar. 98
Our Logo

The path starting in the upper left corner represents the word “Camino”, or path, in Colegio El Camino.
The book signifies knowledge and wisdom.
The star is the North Star, representing the way forward and the way of light and inspiration.